PC / Web
Technical Game Designer
Before releasing Disc Room, the team behind it launched a game jam to let devs around the world create new rooms with discs. I took this as a Level Design challenge.
After analysing Disc Room demo to get the important parts of what makes it great, I decided to create a room filled with elemental discs.
Disc collision is ruled by elemental strengths: fire beats water that beats plants.
Special tiles can also get elemental when colliding with a disc.
Every x seconds, an elemental orb pops up. When taken, it destroys discs and reset tiles of the same element.
Each resetted tile gives 1 point.
Players have to gain points and complete their discollection by dying from all discs types.
Thomas Gonzalez - Technical Game Designer
Thibaud Bousquet - 2D/3D Artist
Original version was made during the Disc Room Jam : https://itch.io/jam/disc-room-game-jam