Technical Game Designer
Astre is a peaceful action game where players always have the choice to attack or make allies with mysterious energy creatures living on a series of floating islands.
I have managed the project since its beginning. Working on the game/level design while programming the prototype on Unity with C# scripts.
I have been helped by a few people on the art, sound and music. We have worked remotely using Google Docs, Facebook group, Asana and Skype to communicate the vision, progress and send files before I integrate it in Unity.
It is set in the Hyllios universe, a world that I have created during my Game Design studies.
Hyllios is a city floating in space since its home planet destruction. Citizens' life is defined by what they can make with the energy that is in their veins. It is also the fuel to the whole city.
You play as a lonely Traveler sent outside of Hyllios to find energy Sources.